We made it to Guangzhou and got to re-live our adoption 7 1/4 years ago. The White Swan hotel was the lap of luxury for us after 8 days in Nanning and Guiping back in 2001. It was still wonderful luxury coming out of Guiping, but we have done so much else this trip it was less needed. But - it was wonderful showing Ling where she was 1st smiled.
Guangzhou is a shopping heaven and Ling had a great time. She bought 3 pairs of Chinese shoes along with lots of other stuff.
From here we headed off to Shanghai and then home.
Guangzhou is a shopping heaven and Ling had a great time. She bought 3 pairs of Chinese shoes along with lots of other stuff.
From here we headed off to Shanghai and then home.
PS - strange foods of the trip this time: Frog with the little hands sticking up out of the stew. Very green. And the most icky: jellyfish.
PPS - strange things of the trip: Hard as rock pillows from the olden times. Only matched by hard as rock beds. Squatty potties. (Hole in ground) Crazy drivers! Cardboard doormats. Toilet paper for sale only. Why do the Chinese never say yes or no, but always some kind of maybe you must interpret correctly? Plates, spoons, chopsticks hermetically sealed for individaul use and given to you to open before you eat. (Is it that dirty in some places? Yes.)